413 cards
KE-303 NullPointerException from KotlinBinaryClassCache
KE-316 Investigate flaky test `KotlinJvmOptimizeImportsTest.FromCompanionObjectGeneric`
KE-322 Cannot open type declaration (for any class in a jar file it seems)
KE-323 Kotlin Eclipse plugin uses tabs for indentation
KE-315 Reformat code in entire project
KE-317 Investigate flaky tests in `KotlinAutoImportTest`
KE-307 Decouple the UI dependencies from eclipse-kotlin-core plugin?
KE-164 Eclipse: be smarter in auto completing close bracket
KE-304 IllegalStateException in KotlinPsiManager
KE-309 Terrible performance with version 0.8.12
KE-57 Can not publish Kotlin class files to Tomcat server
KE-230 Add block folding feature for kotlin files
KE-240 Auto-Import for unresolved extension functions
KE-162 Eclipse Kotlin and Java interoperability in IDE
KE-219 Eclipse Auto-Import
KE-220 Eclipse Navigation
KE-163 Eclipse Debugger
KE-204 Eclipse: Kotlin project configuration
KE-206 Eclipse editor
KE-129 Eclipse completion
KE-152 Add build for JS projects in Eclipse
KE-120 Eclipse build
KE-119 Rename refactoring in Eclipse
KE-117 Find usages in Eclipse
KE-2 Add ability to run specific test from editor
KE-181 Auto-import for unresolved Kotlin functions in Eclipse
KE-160 Eclipse debugger can't find Kotlin sources
KE-5 Kotlin Eclipse Plugin: kotlin files not recompiled while running/debugging
KE-106 Kotlin Eclipse Plugin: Generate Runnable Jar
KE-158 Eclipse: Completion doesn't always work with super keyword when editing a Kotlin file
KE-157 Eclipse: Source lookup fails while debugging in Eclipse
KE-156 Eclipse: cannot rename Kotlin method which overrides Java method
KE-6 Eclipse: No tooltip with Java doc for Java classes or KDoc for Kotlin
KE-172 Eclipse: Bad folding for Kotlin files
KE-154 Eclipse: Errors in Kotlin code after canceling rename that modifies Java files
KE-155 Eclipse: rename field can't finish if reconcile have happened
KE-123 Eclipse: class hierarchy
KE-122 Eclipse: enable EA in plugin
KE-151 Eclipse: call hierarchy
KE-153 Eclipse: Smart completion
KE-121 Eclipse: hot-swap
KE-9 Eclipse: Incremental compilation
KE-118 Eclipse: intention to convert property to function and vice versa
KE-11 Eclipse: Project "Clean..." action does not compile Kotlin resources
KE-131 Eclipse: implement format selected source feature
KE-13 Eclipse: Lookup only templates and local scope for empty prefix in completion
KE-132 Eclipse: multiple FileNotFoundException on start
KE-14 Eclipse: add more templates for Kotlin
KE-273 Gradle Kotlin DSL support
KE-370 Debuging code in eclipse 4.16 fails with latest kotlin plugin installed.
KE-372 StackOverflowError when trying to open a Kotlin Script
KE-375 Add support for upcoming Eclipse 4.16
KE-334 Missing hover with variable values for debug view
KE-261 Block comment highlighting doesn't work for kotlin files
KE-256 Make tooltip and message in status bar for problems in Kotlin code
KE-1 Eclipse: Java packages with classes in Kotlin are still marked as empty
KE-96 Eclipse Plugin: buld/run failing with OpenJDK JavaSE-9 - "kotlin_bin does not exist"
KE-258 Can't use java code from same project in Kotlin files
KE-243 Update diagnostics without saving document
KE-259 Bad indentation on typing 'enter' in function start
KE-260 Different analyze for compiler and editor
KE-257 Launching kotlin configuration handles eclipse
KE-245 Can't run simple project
KE-254 Exception during editing java files in eclipse plugin
KE-253 Open declaration for kotlin references
KE-249 Add auto import fix for unresolved references to classes in Kotlin files
KE-248 Add quick outline view for kotlin files
KE-251 package directive should be added to new kotlin file automatically
KE-250 Auto import doesn't place additional lines in file with function at first line
KE-244 Create template for kotlin 'main' function
KE-255 Can't reference the local jar
KE-252 Save fails if outline view is closed
KE-246 Diagnostics don't work in new files
KE-239 Remove line doesn't work in kotlin editor
KE-247 Adding/removing additional files make diagnostics freeze in kotlin files
KE-224 Check if project has Kotlin files and suggest to add kotlin nature if it's not configured
KE-233 Suggest to add Kotlin nature to Java project if user adds Kotlin file into it
KE-169 Add special highlighting for string interpolation
KE-238 Add errors from compiler to problems view
KE-171 Add navigation to libraries in eclipse
KE-180 Enable "mark occurrences" feature for Kotlin files in eclipse
KE-135 Add "Organize Imports" feature for Kotlin files in Eclipse
KE-236 Add folding for Kotlin files in Eclipse
KE-211 Invent some way for managing external annotation in Eclipse
KE-218 Create artifacts for distributing Kotlin plugin for eclipse
KE-237 Update bundled compiler in eclipse plugin
KE-241 Configure update site for Eclipse plugin on public teamcity
KE-242 Create build for Eclipse on public teamcity
KE-234 Can't add Kotlin file to package with upper case
KE-232 Add Kotlin trait, class and object wizards
KE-231 Duplicate classes in auto-import
KE-210 Can't work with project with Kotlin files placed not under source root
KE-214 Auto-import feature doesn't work without file save
KE-208 Can't use ctrl+click for resolved Kotlin references
KE-144 Navigate to editor from errors in Kotlin compiler output
KE-198 Create Kotlin debugger launch configuration
KE-184 Make junit plugin work for Kotlin files in Eclipse
KE-222 Suggest to add kotlin-runtime.jar into classpath for projects with Kotlin files
KE-189 Make "Open Type..." action work for Kotlin classes
KE-235 Create new Kotlin project wizard
KE-188 Show function parameters ("Context information")
Board owner: Alexander Podkhalyuzin
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